Our Work


10 States and 30 districts of India


WaterAid India


WASH and Health

The study aimed to understand the ground situation of WASH practices and services in the country WaterAid along with UNICEF had undertaken a rapid assessment in 10 States and 30 districts of India. The purpose of this assessment was to understand the impact of COVID on basic WASH services, which includes access to drinking water, access to toilets, and Hygiene practices. Outline India prepared a comprehensive report through a thorough quantitative analysis of the data and by visualizing the key indicators at the state and district levels. This report gave insights related to access to facilities, operation, and maintenance, and voices of intermediate functionaries like frontline workers, elected representatives, teachers, and others and in terms of functionality of the services provided. The insights and findings were used to appraise key stakeholders (examples include local Governments, district administration, and departments responsible for WASH and others as appropriate) for tangible outputs and actions. 
