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Happy McGarryBowen



Study to understand the efficacy of safe sanitation and hand-washing habits across Delhi-NCR

Outline India tested a series of innovative interventions with the objective of learning what public awareness strategies work to engage people on the issue of improved sanitation practices around mass gatherings.

Outline India conducted a qualitative study to understand the efficacy of the Team Swachh Action Kit-TSAK in spreading the message about safe sanitation and hand-washing habits and suggest improvements that could be made to the kit by administering the kit in four schools in Delhi-NCR in collaboration with Happy McGarryBowen-Dentsu Aegis Network India. The aim was to develop practical ideas that can be used in campaigns for the Swachh Bharat Mission. Testing the contents of the kit helped in understanding the overall applicability and appeal of the kit in bringing in behavioral change, along with providing scope to invite constructive suggestions to make the kit self-explanatory and user-friendly to execute.
